This shop sells herbs, incense, medicinal things including means of tending to wounds and loss of stamina (pretty much anything that you might need for all types of healing purposes), but many come in for 'performance-enhancing' fungus.
The store has basic health potions as well that are sold for (60stl) each.
The proprietor of the shop, Davies, has a small satchel filled with skein that he was willing to sell (1stl).
The building is a small humble shack that has a strong musty pungent smell of fungi, which can be detected even while approaching from the street. On the outside where the doorways open, there are strings of herbs that are tied up and left to dry out.
On the inside, there are shelves upon shelves of flora and fauna that are being cultivated in pots for various remedies and for sale. Some of the fungi have grown beyond their shelves.