Father of Good - Paladine
He knew better than his brothers the need
for balance and the interdependence of the
three major orders of gods. His vision saw the
need for balance and conflict as the catalyst for
learning and progress.
Many believe that Paladine assumed mortal
form as the ancient hero Huma to drive the
dragons from the land during the Age of
Dreams. This was not so, but Paladine's hand
is evident in the history of that time. There are
many tales of Paladine's presence in that time and this may account for the belief that he was
Paladine's constellation traditionally
guards the Gate of Souls, keeping the dragons
from returning to Krynn. It is of no small historical
interest that his constellation disappeared
at the time of the Cataclysm and that
dragons reentered the world soon afterward
Now that his constellation is once again in the
night sky, dragons still remain in the world of
Krynn, but no visitations from Paladine have
occurred since then.
The Gate of Souls no longer holds what Paladine
himself described as the Balance of the
World. During the time of the Cataclysm, he
and his fellows withdrew their direct influence
from the world and caused the Cataclysm.
Astinus records that for 60 days after the Cataclysm,
Paladine's tears filled the night sky
with their brilliance.
When the time came to reclaim Krynn in
the name of good, Paladine took the form of a
rather befuddled old wizard named Fizban
the Fabulous, who wandered the world to
prod those who could change the destiny of
the world. It is most important to note that
while Paladine often intervened in seemingly
minor matters, he never directly used his vast
powers in affairs of great consequence. Paladine
worked through men and their free agency
to accomplish his desires. He would offer
what guidance he could, but it was up to men
to save their world.
Paladine rules the Dome of Creation that
surrounds all that is. It is an ethereal land of
perfect beauty. These lands are vast indeed
and those who have walked them yearn to
Fabled Goddess of Healing - Mishakal
In more recent times, Mishakal is known as
the Bearer or Light Bringer as it was through
her that the knowledge of the true gods was
restored to the world. Mishakal's gift of the
Disks of Mishakal again brought knowledge to
men of healing power and true clerics.
Mishakal is Paladine's companion and advisor.
They have twin sons and a third son in
Solinari, the god of good magic.
In post-Cataclysmic Ansalon after the War of
the Lance, clerics of Mishakal's order were the most numerous of all derics. Nearly every community
on the face of Amalon had a deric of this
order to minister to the needs of the people.
These clerics were especially sought after by
adventuring parties for thek curative abilities.
God of Monks - Majere
War God of Good - Kiri-Jolith
Kiri-Jolith is the son of Paladine and Mishakal,
but he is their peer in ability. His twin
brother is Habbakuk. These twins, with Paladine,
form an alliance that supports the
Knights of Solamnia in all their works. Each of
the three Orders of the Knights was established around one of these three gods.
Clerics of Kiri-Jolith are powerful in battle
but must use these formidable powers carefully,
for they can lose their powers if Kiri-Jolith
feels they have violated the principles of good.
God of Hunting, Beasts, Rangers, Druids, Sailors and the Cycle of Life & Death - Habbakuk
Habbakuk is patron to the Knights of the Crown, representing the virtue of loyalty. Since the War of Souls, Habbakuk has stepped back in his relationship with the Knights of Solamnia, feeling that the knighthood would benefit from having a single patron deity. Though he has taken this lesser role, he is still revered by the knighthood.
On the continent of Taladas, Habbakuk is little known other than to the Silvanaes and some in the League. Most view Branchala as an aspect of Habbakuk.
In 422 AC, Habbakuk was distracted while dealing with another Dragon Overlord located on the opposite side of Krynn, following his return after the War of Souls.
Habbakuk's Clerics wear long blue-grey robes and pray for spells from him at sunrise.
The Bard King - Branchala
Common representations show the Knowing Mistress as a graying, mature woman of welcoming, matronly smile, swathed in billowing robes and scarves that fan into books and scrolls.
The Knowing Mistress has no public holy day. Only in the capital city of Mythos has the Knowing Mistress's faith been resurrected-though her worship by the intellectuals of the city bears little resemblance to the knowledge-seekers of old.
Master of Good Magic - Solinari
Solinari is the son of Paladine and Mishakal, and brother to Kiri-Jolith and Habbakuk. He regularly interacts with Lunitari and Nuitari.
God of Knowledge - Gilean
Gilean was called from the Beyond by the High God, from out of Time, raising him to godly stature as companion and brother to Paladine and Takhisis. One myth surrounding his legend states that a mortal scribe would be taken out of time to become Gilean, which some surmise to be Astinus of Palanthas.
Gilean has only one child, the goddess Lunitari who sprang fully formed from him. The other neutral gods are those that he gathered to him from the Beyond, who aided in the order of Creation.
Gilean’s Clerics act as Scribes, Librarians, and Historians. No Cleric of Gilean may ever destroy a book, no matter the contents.
God of Flame and Natural Power - Sirrion
His clerics must tend to an ever-burning flame in his home or a temple of Sirrion. They also act as firefighters, and are knowledgeable in the use of fire to clean out the old and make way for the new.
Sirrion is said to have formed his mate, Shinare, from wondrous metals. The two are close, though their relationship is characterized by fiery debate. Amongst the humans of the Imperial League, Sirrion is worshipped and commonly depicted as a fiery goddess known as Sinar.
God of Dwarves & Creation - Reorx
The Dawnfather and the Everlight defeated the Crawling King during the Calamity by drawing their nemesis above ground. The Dawnfather pierced his body with 10,000 lances of sunlight, and the Everlight imprisoned him within her serene rays. The tears of suffering and rage the Crawling King shed burned through Imminar, and his faithful fled into these tunnels to escape their enemies’ holy light.
The Crawling king is largely rendered as a swollen, malformed worm that slithers through the dark below, a screaming, hairless human head at the helm with three arms carving through the lightless rock.
Goddess of Nature - Chislev
Chislev has few clerics (who mainly live in farming communities), instead being served mainly by hermit-like, forest-dwelling druids.
Chislev and Zivilyn love each other profoundly. Chislev despises Zeboim, and is allied with Habbakuk. She also opposes Shinare, goddess of industry. She despises Morgion’s cultists.
God of Knowledge - Zivilyn
Zivilyn was called from the Beyond by the High God to serve as counselor to Gilean, to give insight to his mate Chislev’s instinct, and to bear witness to the world and share this divine experience with mortals.
Zivilyn opposes the consuming hatred by deities such as Sargonnas and Takhisis, and the martial ambition of Kiri-Jolith, but calls no god his enemy. Many believe that The World Tree is the physical manifestation of Zivilyn, upon the world of Krynn.
Goddess of Wealth, Money & Industry - Shinare
Shinare was called from the Beyond to serve Gilean. She is companion to Sirrion, though their relationship has been volatile and problematic. She is also friendly towards Reorx, Kiri-Jolith, and Majere. She opposes Hiddukel, who serves as god of ill-gotten wealth and bad business deals.
The God of Neutral Magic - Lunitari
Lunitari is the daughter of Gilean, which it is said that she was born fully formed from his thoughts. She has neither brothers nor sisters, but two ambitious cousins in Solinari and Nuitari.
Queen of Darkness - Takhisis
God of Vengeance - Sargonnas
Though he works in the hearts of all mortals, his favored children are the minotaurs. Minotaurs refer to him as Sargas, who represents power gained through brute strength and held with honor. Sargonnas appears to minotaurs as a gigantic minotaur with either char-black fur or blood-red fur.
Sargonnas was summoned from the Beyond by Takhisis to be her consort. The two have had a rocky relationship through the eons, which ended with the War of Souls. Sargonnas also has a rough relationship with his children, Zeboim and Nuitari. Sargonnas hates the gods of Good, save for Kiri-Jolith, who he grudgingly respects.
God of Disease, Decay & Plague - Morgion
Morgion lives in the Bronze Tower on the edge of the Abyss, where he carries out his plots. He rarely allies with the other gods of Evil, and stands in opposition to all the gods of Good, especially Mishakal.
The Lord of the Undead - Chemosh
Chemosh opposes Mishakal, who stands as a champion of life, as well as the rest of the gods of good, and is often also in conflict with Chislev and Sirrion. One of his divine messengers is the Death's Head Scorpion.
Chemosh was brought from Beyond during the time of creation to serve Takhisis. He alone was given the right to sit at the Hall of Souls Passing to witness the passing of the dead. During the Age of Dreams, he gained a major foothold on the realm of Ansalon when he formed the Bone Warriors and the Bone Acolytes, who conquered in his name before eventually being destroyed. The Lord of Death taught Takhisis how to manipulate the souls of dead, a secret which she used for her own personal gain on stealing the world from under the nose of Chemosh and all the other gods during the Summer of Chaos. The spurned god was pleased to see Takhisis and her nemesis Paladine fall at the close of the War of Souls, after the gods returned to the world.
The Sea Queen - Zeboim
The Deal Maker of Souls - Hiddukel
He is a deal maker who trades in souls. Hiddukel's deal making skills are so great that it is said that he is the only being able to barter with Takhisis and come out in front. He influences souls to use every encounter with another person to their advantage. He captures souls who are desiring or despairing to use the misfortune of others to their profit. He is ultimately selfish and cares for no one but himself, and passes that attitude on to his mortal followers. Hiddukel constantly attempts to make deals with the other gods, and his lies lead mortals to carry out evil in the world. He is impressed and surprised at the deception of Takhisis in stealing the world from the other Gods. He can call upon nearly all of the Gods of Evil for aid because of his dealing with them and his ability to divert their attention from him if they begin to suspect him.
He hates Shinare, and offer riches to anyone destroying her temples. He also oppose Reorx, but he is too cowardly to do somthing angering him. Reorx dislikes him because Hiddukel tricked him into forging the Graygem. Majere and Branchala among the Gods of Good are his enemies, as the powers of discipline and positive interaction respectively.
He is said to control all of the ill-gotten wealth in the world. He is also known for contacting and making deals with dying men, who in desperation accept anything. As a payment for his services, he asks the mortal to deliver souls of men. Young maidens and Knights of Solamnia are his weakness.
His church is only nominaly organized. Apart for the Nightmaster, every cleric works for himself. The most important ceremony is the Day of Bartered Souls.
He is portrayed as a grossly obese man with cold eyes and an oily smile. He also appears in the shape of a coin with a grinning and a scowling face. His celestial symbol is the constellation Broken Scale.
The God of Dark Magic - Nuitari
Nuitari is the son of Takhisis and Sargonnas and is the twin brother of Zeboim. He was once the divine power of ambition prior to the time that he removed himself from the heavens in order to be closer to the world. Nuitari detests Takhisis, who has stolen magic from him in the past to grant to her followers, the Knights of the Thorn, as well as stealing the world of Krynn. He has come to odds with Chemosh in the past, as both have some domain over the realm of necromancy. The differentiation is that Nuitari is patron to necromancer wizards while Chemosh is patron to the undead and cleric necromancers.
As the Father of Good and Master of the
Law, Paladine is the spokesman for the gods of
good. A supreme leader, he does not interfere
with the affairs of his fellow beings as long as
their doings do not counter the law of good. It
was Paladine, during the Age of Twilight, who
led the gods of good from Beyond at the direction
of the Highgod, to create this place and
time. He led the gods of good in the All-
Saints War and represented his order to the
other orders of the gods.
The fabled goddess of healing is known in
nearly every culture and country on the face of
Krynn. In ancient times, she was the most
revered of the ministering gods and in her
name many temples were built for the teaching
of the healing arts.
Majere is the favored god of monks. He is
said to give his followers symbols that, when
cast upon the ground, become msects that
fight for their owner. One of the gods who
came from Beyond, he followed his friend
Paladine into this great adventure of creation.
Kiri-Jolith is the war god of good. He is the
favorite god of paladins and good-aligned
fighters. His constellation seems to threaten
that of the Queen of Darkness in the night
Habbakuk (hab-buh-kuk) is the divine power of persistence. He is lord of the beasts, and patron of hunters, rangers, druids, sailors, and the natural cycle of life and death. He opposes undeath and aberrations of magic. Habbakuk is the twin brother to Kiri-Jolith and son of Paladine and Mishakal. He is closest to Branchala, works well with Chislev, and opposes Zeboim.
Revered by seers, sages, and teachers of all walks of life, the Knowing Mistress guided the growth of civilization throughout the Ages like sunlight guides the branches of a tree. Her devout worship in private, spreading knowledge, philosophy, and lore anonymously through traceless channels.
Solinari (so-lin-ah-ree) is the god of good magic, and is sponsor to the Order of the White Robes. Once the divine power of vigilance, he has since removed himself from the heavens to be closer to the mortal realm. Solinari is a patient god, slow to act, preferring always to let matters sort themselves over time. Once he makes a decision, he does so boldly and fearlessly. Through these acts he has prevented his cousins from making rash decisions, even to their great ire.
Gilean is the chief deity of the Gods of Neutrality and the Divine Power of knowledge. He was given the Tobril by the High God. Gilean is an observer, appearing passionless and uncaring. Gilean’s constellation is poised between good and evil, and he is mediator between the two. Gilean is the primary proponent of free will.
Sirrion is the god of alchemy, creativity, passion, and transformation. He is master of flames, and sculpts the fire of the soul into beautiful forms. He was brought from the Beyond by Gilean, and is said to provide the fire for Reorx’s worldforge and the spark of divinity within all life. Artists, alchemists, and lovers are his followers.
The dark god of the endless tunnels and caverns beneath Imminar, the Crawling King acts as patron to torturers, slavers, and jailers across the realm. His tears of pain and anger carved the pathways under the world, and his realm of imprisonment is a network of deadly caves and manacles where few return. Those who rob others of their freedom offer prayers to him in cellars and other subterranean domains, and other creatures who live in the darkness below worship him and seek his guidance.
Chislev ( kiz-lev or chiz-lev) is nature incarnate and the divine power of instinct. The animals and plants of Krynn revere Chislev, who is said to be their mother. Chislev is patron to many druids and rangers. Chislev extends her divinity to the world of Krynn, feeling all that is done to it. Her moods change with the seasons, and her fury is directed at those who abuse the wild, especially in unnatural ways.
Zivilyn is deity of wisdom, enlightenment, and insight. His realm is awareness, balance, and understanding. His branches reach into every time and place in the River of Time, into the past and into the future. He exists in all times and places simultaneously, and is wisest of the gods.
Shinare is the divine power of interaction, and goddess of wealth, industry, and commerce. She governs negotiations, contracts, enterprise and partnerships.
Lunitari (loo-nuh-tah-ree) is the goddess of neutral magic, and is sponsor to the Order of the Red Robes. She is known to be a trickster by creating illusions to confuse people to amuse and entertain herself. For a vivacious young woman, she seeks total balance in the world of magic between her two cousins.
Takhisis is the leader of the gods of evil. In the Age of Dreams, Takhisis and Paladine were mates. The two gods were equal and were happy. But when they forged the first dragons, Takhisis grew jealous and wanted the beings for her own. She then corrupted them, and her first evil army was born. From that point on, the gods of evil and good have been at war. She then found another mate, Sargonnas, god of fury and vengeance. They then had two offspring, Nuitari, and Zeboim. Takhisis lives in the Abyss, always waiting for a chance to come back to Krynn and conquer.
Sargonnas is the god of wrath, vengeance, and retribution. He is a god without compassion or mercy.
Morgion is the god of decay in all its forms, including such things as plague and pestilence, rust, and madness. He wishes to see all things wither away into decadence, and for mortals to suffer as much as possible prior to going on to the next stage of their soul’s journey.
Chemosh is the master of the undead and is representative of fatalism. Chemosh hates life, thinking it a gift wasted on mortals. He festers within the hearts of mortals, trying to get them to give up the shell of mortality and move on to the next stage in the soul’s journey. Chemosh tempts mortals with the promise of “immortality.” In reality, he is condemning them to an eternity of undeath as his slaves. This is Chemosh’s way of mocking life.
Zeboim is goddess of the seas, storms, and strife. Her moods change with the storm, being calm one minute and in a violent rage the next. Zeboim is perhaps the most unpredictable of all the gods. Zeboim is twin to Nuitari, and the daughter of Takhisis and Sargonnas. Of all the gods, she detests Habbakuk the most. She feels that she should have sole domain over the sea, where he has dominion over sea creatures.
Hiddukel (hid-doo-keel), also known as the Prince of Lies, the Betrayer, the Broken Scales and the Prince of Tarnished Gold, is the god of avarice, exploitation and treachery. His symbol is broken merchant scales and his colors are red and bone. Red Dragons are his loyal followers due to their common avaricious nature. He is also the patron of evil businessmen, thieves and many hobgoblins. His clerics often leads double lives.
Nuitari (noo-uh-tah-ree) is the god of evil arcane magic and is represented by the black moon. He is patron to the Black Robed Wizards of High Sorcery. He works with Solinari and Lunitari to further the cause of magic, though his methods differ from theirs. He works through dark means in order to accumulate power, and quickly.
Saturday, April 3, 2021
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