The Companions
The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman
Arion of the Aspen was originally born in the settlement of Ravenvale. Both of Arions parents were both members of a now scattered group of Rangers that protected the region which allowed him to grow up learning the ways of the wild under the expert tutelage of his mother and father.
Arion is a skilled archer and tracker, whispers of him being a prodigy of the region circulated among his people. Arion is most at home when he is wandering the forests and wilderlands of the region.
When Arion was 16 years old, a caravan that his parents were assisting with escorting was attacked by a goblin raiding party, both of his parents were killed in the attack. Arion vowed to avenge his parents deaths. He then set out into the wild to become the Ranger he always wanted to be.
Arion has been traveling throughout the region and has fought bandits, goblins, kobolds and other creatures of the wild. He has learned much about the lands and he has become a skilled Ranger. Arion will fight for the justice of others earning enough coin to support himself. Arion enjoys widdling small wood figurines and is a skilled fletcher for hire. His left eye has a light blue tent, almost white . . . a symble of the ancient Aspens that grow in the region - some say his discolored eye was gifted to him by some divine being as a mark of the Aspen.
Life has been relatively difficult for the young Ranger since leaving his home. Survival in the wild is no easy task, even for a woodsman such as Arion . . . but this is his home, regardless of how brutal life can be at times but it is the only home he has ever known. Since leaving his home years ago, Arion has been mostly alone, occasionally visiting Local settlements to resupply, he mostly has remained in the northern regions of Abanasinia.
Recently however, Arion has been traveling the lands around the settlement of Gateway. Rumors are beginning to spread among the local folk of something terrible about to happen, a dark power that is behind the recent goblin and bandit attacks on the surrounding villages and towns. The wilderlands is Arions home, the only home he has ever known and has done much traveling within the region hunting down those who would do harm to those who live in peace in the region.
Cyric was born and raised in Qualinesti, the homeland of his people and has your typical elven heritage look - blond hair, green eyes and the elven grace one would come to expect from an elf. Cyric is a member of the Qualinost Royal Guard,
(charged with the defense of the city). The Qualinesti Elves have felt that something dark is coming for quite some time but none of been able to discern what this darkness actually is.
None could not explain what it was that was being felt by his people so, Cyric felt the time has come to find out what this coming darkness actually was so Cyric accepted a quest to go and try to seek this evil out (against his fathers better judgement), feeling that he was duty bound to do so. He basically took a leave of absence from the Royal Guard in order to set out on his journey.
Since leaving his homeland, he has since settled in the Ravenvale which he has adopted as his second home, he has grown quite fond of the people of this village but he does miss his homeland and no matter where he is, Qualinesti will always be his home and he vows to one day return. There have been times where Cyric has longed to return home to the beautiful woodlands of Qualinesti, and the marble spires of Qualinost.
He is very easy to speak and get along with, being very open minded to other peoples thoughts and feelings. He is also very protective of the weak, innocent and those unable to protect themselves but is also wary of them since he has had his kindness used against him in the past so he always keeps his guard up to those he does not know. He rarely becomes angered but has been known to let those feelings out when he sees children mistreated or abused.
He is very protective over the young. He has a deep sadness with how the Qualinesti and Sylvanesti are towards each other and hopes one day these two nations will once again come together as one but he knows that this will take much time for the peoples to work out difference that have been lingering for many centuries.
He is very protective over his traveling companions, as well as women and children, feeling it is his responsibility to keep them safe. Cyric is bound by honor to protect Elora, with her being a traveling companion and the lady of the group. This is how he was raised from when he was very young, it's a code that he has followed his entire life.
Cyric befriended his traveling companions on the road between Gateway and New Ports as they were fighting off a bandit attack. Once the merchants were safe, Cyric agreed to stay on and assist with escorting merchant wagons due to the increased in goblin and bandit attacks along the traveled roads.
Cyric has always felt more at home in the wilderlands but does not completely dislike civilization as long as he is not subjected to being around large crowds of people. Large crowds make him feel closed in - mostly likely due to his elven heritage.
Cyric enjoys music, mainly music from his homeland and enjoys playing the flute during downtime. He tries to make time for his flute playing, it calms him with fond memories of his homeland.
Hordus Blackforge was born and raised
(for a time) in the dwarven nation of Thorbardin located in southwestern Ansalon beneath the Kharolis Mountains. On his first mining expedition with his father, the section of tunnel that he and his brother were in collapsed.
Covered by rocks, unable to move or see for what seemed like days, all the while listening to his brother dying somewhere nearby. "In reality it did not take a full day for miners to dig him free". He had never been confined in a space this small, unable to move, gasping for breath, with little to no visibility. By the time help arrived to rescue him, his brother was dead.
Afterwords, life had become a struggle with Hordus dealing with the incident and his brothers death. His sleep patterns became eratic, waking up at all hours of the night with recurring dreams of his friend dying and him being unable to do anything about it. He and his brother were very close and his death hit Hordus hard. It got to the point to where he needed a candle or oil lamp lit to be able to sleep. As time went on, it went from a single candle to more candles that one could count. Hordus stopped going into the mines after this accident, finding one excuse after another to keep himself clear of the mines.
Hordus eventually left home at an early age "unable to tolerate the concerned looks from his peers". He can usually be found in the northern region of Abanasinia. Preferring the outdoors, he tends to travel across the region lending aide when possible to those in need of it. Since he prefers to live an isolated life, he usually doesn't stay in one place for long, living mainly in the outdoor wilderness region of the vale.
For the most part, Hordus is your typical every day Dwarf, grumbling, never satisfied with his work and loves working with his hands. He took up wood carving at a young age and it has stuck with him over the years. He enjoys relaxing outdoors smoking his pipe and whittling wood. He tends to enjoy the "drink" a little more than he should. He is still coming to terms with the death of his brother.
Hordus is easy to talk with and is very open minded .... and if asked, he swears he is getting better with not having constant lights on in order to sleep. True or not, Hordus prefers to remain above ground whenever possible but his phobia does not prevent him from traveling beneath the surface "it just takes a bit of convincing and persuasion". Most recently, Hordus has been traveling with friends escorting merchant wagons to and from Gateway and New Ports.

The story of Elora Dawn starts with her awakening in a ditch on the side of the road leading into the settlement of Ravenvale, in the region of Abanasinia. Something horrible had happened, only she does not know what it was. As she regained consciousness and looked around, she had no idea where she was. On the road next to where she lay was three smoldering wagons. Apparently the wagons had been attacked and she had somehow been knocked unconcious. She climbed from the muddy ditch to inspect the wagons only to find several people lying dead in various locations around the three wagons along with three dead goblins.
She did not recognize any of them, this was when she realized she had no memory of her past, but she did notice a name engraved on her money pouch "Elora Dawn" which she assume was her name. She gathered herself and began the walk down the road until she arrived at Ravenvale where she rented a room at the Ravenvale Inn where she stayed for a week.
Upon getting settled into her room, she began rummaging through her various packs, looking through papers she had stored. Apparently she had started a journal only days before the attack on the wagons. As she read she found out a lot about herself the first few pages of her journal that explained her personality and mannerisms in great detail.
What she was able to gather from her documents is as follows . . .
Elora's most prominent features include her Prodigiousness and cleverness. She is levelheaded, book-smart, and always very logical. She is often very outspoken, not afraid to say what she feels yet unfailingly dutiful and loyal to her friends—a person who can always be counted on but she does however have occassions where she lets her "snippy" attitude out. Elora never strays off the path she always keeps her attention focused on the job that must be done.
She apparently had no regrets in life even though she doesn't remember any of her past life. She has other ambitions and felt the only way to accomplish those was to leave and set out on her own (it does not say where she left from though).
Despite Elora's intelligence and outspoken attitude, she has quite a lot of vulnerability in her personality, as well as a sense of insecurity underneath, feeling, utterly inadequate... and to compensate, she strives to be the best at everything, projecting a confidence where in fact little exists.
Elora has a deep love for the outdoors and nature and hopes soon to be able to explore the world and educate herself on the lands and its people. Leaving her home was hard for her (wherever home was). Over that last few months she has grown to love the people in Ravenvale, especially the owner of the Ravenvale Inn, Jebrick Talis. Jebrick "or Jeb as everyone calls him - including Elora" has become more of a father figure to Elora and she has grown to love him like a father. Jeb looked out for her since the first day she wandered into town, he took care of her and never asked for anything in return. Elora has not forgotten this.
Since coming to terms with her memory loss, she has sense left Ravenvale with her new companions and hopes to find answers to who she is. She has sense started following the teachings of the priestess Mishakal.