Thursday, July 13, 2023

About Our Game Rules
The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

I wanted to write up an article describing the game rules we will be using. We are using a "modified" Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy system with a "some" house rules added to it . . . all of which I will explain below. For the most part, we are using Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy as our primary rules.

The main thing we will be using from Old-School Essentials are the races and classes which will be adjusted to fit Krynn along with reworking the Krynn specific races as well. With this system you have core classes that are all from Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy. Core classes are classes like Fighter, Thief, Cleric and others with a few more that we have added to our selection. We have done away with the racial classes from Old-School Essentials comepletely and simply added race back to our system. Each race we have available to play will have the available classes able to be played with that race.

All races will have all the abilities that are shown on the classes page for that specific races as well as the abilities from the Classes they also choose to play with that races. I know it sounds confusing but once you get a grasp of it then it is actually rather simple to understand, it is basically the same exact way AD&D does only we go by what is in the Old-School Essentials books first.

All spells, magical items and such will come from Old-School Essentials unless it specifically comes from AD&D and is not found in the Old-School Essentials books. Basically we always refer to Old-School Essentials first before referring to AD&D. All classes will have level caps raised to 18, along with the non human classes. The reasoning behind us using Old-School Essentials classes is simple, I want to make things challenging for my players.

Old-School Essentials classes are not anywhere near as powerful as newer edition classes so players can't simply have characters charge in and run through all the enemies that they face like characters in systems like 5th edition do. We do plan to use a few 5th edition rules as house rules . . . mainly Advantage/disadvantage and death saves. More 5th edition house rules may be added later but at this time I don't see any that I want to use.

The goal is to stay as true to Old-School Essentials as possible while at times using AD&D rules but keep things as classic as possible. This is a brand new "modified" system that I came up with that has never been tested. I am sure we will encounter bugs that will need to be ironed out and fixed but overall I think I have it pretty well hammered out.

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