Thursday, October 26, 2023

The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

Gateway hosts an open market in the south-western section of town. Numerous small stalls and booths sell everything from produce, cloth and even a selection of weapons and armour. Various guilds also have small stalls set up to sell their most sought-after wares.

In addition, loud and garish street performers compete for shoppers’ attention (and coin). (Pick pockets hang around such folk in small numbers at times - when they are not sitting in jail for robbing people).

The most famous of these is the mysterious Zado (see "Notable Folk”). Other traders wander the market either carrying their few wares or pushing them about in handcarts. Refreshments can also be had from several handcarts and stalls.

By day, the Gateway market is a busy place. Some local artificers and trade folk have permanent stalls while others are taken by visiting merchants, folk visiting from nearby villages, and others just trying to sell their junk and tat. Town folk and visitors to Gateway come here to buy that which they cannot get at home.

At night, the market is quiet—but far from empty. Some stallholders employ folk to watch their merchandise overnight so they don’t have to pack it all away and keep it safe from the roaming beggars, thieves and drunks that infest the place after dark. A few stalls—fortunetellers and the like—stay open late, while others use the unoccupied tents and stalls as places for their trysts or secret colloquies.

A random fellow that can be seen within the marketplace during the day time house is Zado. Zado is a strange individual dressed in black who wears various feathered masks while juggling and doing magical tricks. Zado hears and sees more than he lets on, information he sells to both nobles and merchants. Little happens without Zado somehow knowing it. Some suspect there might be multiple “Zados” throughout town working together. While the market is usually open throughout the week, once each week, the "official Market Day" acts as a siren’s song, calling most of the local folk to shop and socialize in the market. Farmers sell produce, hunters hawk smoked meats, villagers sell crafts, and sometimes a trader from distant locations sells implements or costly goods.

This one day each week is when one will find merchants visiting from other locations to sell wares. This is the busiest day of the way in the marketplace. "During this particular day, there is a 50% chance that items from the adventuring gear list in the Player’s Handbook are available for sale here". Adventurers will almost never find armor, weapons, implements, or magic items in the market square, however.

Use this table with a D20 to determine what a stall sells:
1) Miscellaneous Objects & Ornaments
2) Fruit & Vegetables
3) Bread
4) Ale & beer
5) Clothes, Mundane
6) Clothes, Woolen
7) Iron Ware Goods
8) Small Livestock
9) Simple Toys
10) Candles
11) Pots, Pans and Cooking Wares
12) Belts, Boots & Shoes
13) Jewelry
14) Furniture, Woodwork
15) Simple Weapons
16) Pets
17) Clothes Woolen
18) Fortune Telling
20) Players Choice (Within Reason)

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