Thursday, June 29, 2023

The Happee Ohgr
The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman
The Happee Ohgr (a misspelling of "The Happy Ogre") is a tavern located in Haven. The tavern's sign appears to be purposely misspelled, and has a picture of an obviously drunken ogre on the sign. It is a smoky den with drunks in the corners or slumped over sticky tables. The tavern's owner is unknown.

This tavern seems to never have many patrons. It has no rooms for rent and serves low budget meals. The establishment as a whole is not very appealing. This tavern is on the western side of Haven, and sees very little business. Some say this tavern has other things going on besides serving food and drink.

Oatmeal: 3sp
Boiled Goose Eggs: 4sp
Chicken Eggs: 2sp
Fruit and Cheese: 3sp
Cheese Omelet: 7cp
Fried Potato Wedges: 3sp

Beef Stew: 4sp
Fried Sausages: 9sp
Roast Goat & Cheese: 6cp
Stockpot Stew: 10sp
Stockpot Soup: 10sp

Bitter Black Ale: 10cp
Whiskey: 6cp
Rum: 7cp
Beer: 2cp
Heavy Beer: 3sp
Goblin Piss: 2sp
Ale: 4cp
Mead: 1sp

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