Friday, June 30, 2023

Grinning Goat Tavern
The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

A rundown, dirty, and dangerous watering hole located on the western edge of Haven. It is known for being frequented by the more shadow elements of the city. It is operated by a surly female dwarf named Gristal Kettleton.

Due to the shady individuals supporting this inn, the local government has left this inn operating . . . most folk of Haven simply turn a blind eye to this run down establishment. The building is located at the eastern end of main street, which ends near the White-rage River. It is marked as a tavern by a sign depicting a prone giant and by its porch, which has several empty barrels of ale on display.

The Grinning Goat Tavern is owned by a dwarf named Gristal Kettleton, whose rude demeanor reflects the quality (or lack thereof) of the pub itself. It is the favored watering hole for cruder folk, and caters mostly to local low lifes, drunks and ruffians. The bar is poorly maintained, and townsfolk are known to dissuade visitors from going there. It has a balcony (second floor) for sitting as well.

The main taproom is smokey and dirty. There is hay strewn across the room, and by the look of it has not been changed for a while: all sorts of stains and discolorations mark the floor. Broken-down tables and benches barely hold together. The walls are covered with hunting trophies, countless antlers, and a few stuffed heads, some of them well past their best. A moth-eaten head of a bear hands from the wall behind the rustic bar. It does have a upper level to the main floor with more tables.

There are only another two rooms in the dive:
- a backroom that serves as Gristle's 'quarters': the room is as dirty and unkempt as the taproom itself. A small single bed is tucked in a corner, a desk full of papers and empty bottles sits beside the small fireplace. It is dark, dingy, and smells really bad.

- the other room is a barn with old straw and empty stalls. The beer barrels are kept in a small cellar underground - there is a large trap door visible in the first stall on the right-hand side. Customers who have passed out are dragged there by Gristal to finish off the night.

Peppered Bread: 7cp
Oatmeal: 3sp
Boiled Goose Eggs: 4sp
Chicken Eggs: 2sp
Fruit and Cheese: 3sp
Cheese Omelet: 7cp
Fried Potato Wedges: 3sp

Beef Stew: 4sp
Poached Salmon: 6sp
Spiced Sausages: 9sp
Roast Goat & Cheese: 6cp
Shellfish Platter: 10sp
Stockpot Stew: 10sp
Stockpot Soup: 10sp
Steak and Kidney Pie: 4sp

Bitter Black Ale: 10cp
Whiskey: 6cp
Rum: 7cp
Beer: 2cp
Heavy Beer: 3sp
Hill Cider: 1sp
Goblin Piss: 2sp
Ale: 4cp
Mead: 1sp

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