Wednesday, September 20, 2023

The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

Solace is found in the middle of Abanasinia next to Crystalmir Lake and has a population of 500 (give or take). This town lies on road to Haven. Before the Cataclysm, Solace was a crossraod to Istar as well. In the past it used to be a part of the Qualinesti elven realm. After a costly battle, the elves decided it was not worth the effort to keep that area as it was far from their capital, Qualinost. The first settlement used to be frequently attacked by goblins, thus the inhabitants decided to build the houses in the branches of the gigantic Vallenwood trees in the area.

Even though the goblin raids lessened, the city grew in the trees, until all except the forge and the stables were located above. The Inn of the Last Home is one of the most charismatic buildings, where the Heroes of the Lance started their adventure.

The hamlet itself was severely damaged during the War of the Lance, when the Red Dragonarmy utilized their red dragons to burn most of the structures.

However, its position in the vallenwood tree made it hard for the troops of the Dragonarmy (reptilian humanoids called Draconians) to access. A red dragon thusly tore it from the tree and deposited it on the ground. Tika Waylan, who later became Caramon Majere's wife, worked here as a barmaid. After the war the inn was placed back in its proper place. Caramon and Tika Majere would later come to own the inn until their deaths. Their daughters run it from that day forth.

The Inn of the Last Home was the site where the original Dragonlance companions started their quest. The inn itself is built in the boughs of a Vallenwood tree, and has a reputation for excellent hospitality. The innkeeper, an overweight, jovial fellow named Otik Sandeth, was famous for his ale and his delicious spiced potatoes. When the Red Dragonarmy invaded Solace, the inn was one of the few structures not burned.

A short time after the War of the Lance, Otik decided to sell the Inn of the Last Home to his adopted daughter Tika and her husband Caramon Majere. The kindly old innkeeper became a welcome customer of the inn and regaled the other patrons with stories about his friends, the Heroes of the Lance. In a few years after passing the inn onto Tika and Caramon, old Otik passed away peacefully and was buried in a small plot within sight of the Inn of the Last Home.

Geographical Areas
• Inn of the Last Home
• Smithy
• Stables