Tuesday, October 17, 2023

City of Haven
The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

The largest city in Abanasinia, the Lordcity of Haven is a farming comunity centrally located between Solace and Gateway. Haven has been declared a Lordcity by its inhabitants, who naively believe their city rivals the great Lordcities of Solamnia. Still, Haven is an important hub of activity in Abanasinia.

Its fertile farmlands yield many crops that help sustain the local people. In the past, even the Qualinesti elves purchased their grapes from Haven vineyards, making a wine that became famous throughout Ansalon.

Haven arose in Abanasinia from the ruins of an elven city that was destroyed in the Cataclysm. A number of human families built the city with the aid of the elves and set themselves up as the rulers. Many laws and privileges were created at the whim of the founders, and any person who wishes to have any say in the Lordcity of Haven, must be able to trace their lineage back somehow to the city founders. The mayor who governs the city is of foremost importance in being able to do this.

The most important city in Abanasinia, Haven has a very important part spreading new religions, including Belzor's, the old gods, and the Seekers. Rule of the city was taken by the Seeker priests, who set themselves up as the Council of Highseekers. The Seekers' headquarters was erected in Haven and they setup their own militia, using the mayor of that time as their puppet.

From a political center, it quickly turned into a religious center. During The War of The Lance, the city was captured by the Red Dragonarmy, and quickly suppressed the false religions, forcing fake priests to convert to Takhisis or be slain. Haven is located southwest of Solace, northwest of the Darken Wood and northwest of the Qualinesti realm.

Although Haven is geographically large, its population has been relatively small in the past, numbering around five thousand people. However, with refugees flooding the city, the population has swollen to just under fifteen thousand. With such a massive influx, thieves and other people of dubious profession walk the streets.

Holy Guards are stationed throughout the city, viewing everyone with suspicion. The city is surrounded by a low marble wall that was originally constructed to keep out wildlife. A guardhouse stands at the city gates, which until recently were left open during the day, welcoming people from across the land.

The gates are now closed to bar the entry of more refugees. Haven is a relatively large city with a population of approximately 14,889 citizens with a mix of 82% humans, 8% kender with the remaining races being dwarves for the most with some half elves mixed in.

During the War of the Lance, rule of the city was taken by the Seeker priests, who set themselves up as the Council of Highseekers. The Seekers' headquarters was erected in Haven and they setup their own militia, using the mayor of that time as their puppet. After the death of Verminaard in Pax Tharkas, Haven was made the new headquarters of the Red Dragonarmy. Beggars, casualties of the war, started to line the roads leading into Haven begging for food and coin.

Wealth flows through the city in abundance due to the lucrative timber industry and Havens position as a trading center. Its citizens live in well-constructed two-storey homes of stone (harvested from earlier settlements) and thick, sturdy wood. Most of its streetsare cobblestone, paved roads have begun to appear in more affluent areas. A keep was recently built in the center of Haven, it was built over an older wooden fortification. Its towers barely top the tall spire of the nearby Temple, a magnificent cathedral built with contributions from the town’s affluent citizens.

Fine-spun woollen tunics and breeches for the working class are the norm, dyed in various colors. Haven is a busy market city and it does much trade with other settlements throughout Abanasinia.

Many of Havens citizens are craftsmen, merchants or traders of some sort, with many more involved in logging. A few businesses cater to outsiders, particularly adventuresome types. Now, thirty years later, with the war being over with and the fall of the Seeker religion, rule again passed back to the mayor, and the city has continued to grow and develop through extensive trade and commerce.

Notable Locations
Steel Tankard Tavern
Traders Bank of Haven
Blackrock Bakery
Daft Gnome Ale House
Grinning Goat Tavern
The Happee Ohgr
Haven Arms
Haven Council Hall
Haven Grand Market
Haven Jail
Mageware Shop
River Harbor
Ironheart Blacksmith
Purveyor of Pigments and Dyes
Swan's Musicians

Region Locations
Haven River
Haven's Vale
Seeker Reaches

This community has a standing population of approximately 14,889 citizens. The settlement was partially built upon an ancient settlement many years ago and most of the structures of Haven carry a slight manner to them of the previous settlement. Haven mostly consists of locals but does have a few that are not native to the region. The woodsmen of the region consist of a hearty folk with many strong warriors.

The city is made up of friendly folk but they always seem to have there guard up during these troubling times. These people understand that the rumors that have been springing up recently might cause them to be forced to defend themselves or others whom they are allied with but regardless, life goes on and even though they stand ready to fight, these people still live a normal life.

The climate tends to be cool during the summer but winters are usually very cold with much snowfall in this region . . . typical northern weather, just how they like it. Farming and hunting are the many trades of the region, along with the trade that comes into Haven from time to time. Exports mostly consist of furs and pelts along with meat from hunting within the surrounding area.

Lord Wido Gall commands the well equipped town guard, a force of soldiers who perform guard and police functions in and around the walled settlement. Gall can muster a force of about 200, given a day’s notice, to supplement this force if Haven is threatened. Haven is primarily a lumber trade settlement based on barter and trade and lord Gall keeps a monetary system afloat, and a market place that sells mostly common goods.

Most residents of Haven hardly ever travel beyond the immediate region. The majority of citizens are tradesmen of some sort, and the settlement of Haven employs various other craftspeople as well. Wagons occasionally head north down the two mostly traveled roads from Haven to find trade with the next village, town or settlement within the region.

Notable People
• Wido Gall

A well-equipped town guard imposes order in Haven, led by the respected captain, Tuula Tenbaran. Lawbreakers are imprisoned in the dungeons beneath Haven Keep. Because Wido Gall oversees all trials of note, many of the merchant class suffer stiffer fines and penalties, which compel them to scheme against their lord even further. The merchants, of course, would love to have Tuula Tenbaran in their pocket, but she remains stubbornly loyal to Wido. Several guilds have spent considerable coin both in wooing Tuula and in trying to uncover her weaknesses and vulnerabilities— thus far for little result.

A recent push by the guilds calls for the establishment of fair and impartial (or easily bribed) courts of law with stricter oversight. Vuokko Laiten "a local Priestess" finds herself in the middle of this feud as the merchants petition the Temple for support, which was previously denied by the former high priest. Vuokko struggles to consolidate her own power and find a satisfactory resolution to the problem. She favours having the faithful—under her guidance— take on a larger role in judging legal matters. However, both the nobles and merchants fear granting the temple too much power.

Festivals & Events
Haven holds frequent festivals such as the Midwinter Solstice Festival, feasts, and fairs throughout the year, and also the midsummer Peachiest Pie bake-off is held during this celebration. The festivals will also have other random events and contests that change from year to year depending on popularity.

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