Wednesday, June 7, 2023

The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

This walled settlement has a population of around 1,000 citizens and was built in the turbulent years following the Cataclysm. It was a gathering spot for refuges as it was situated on a crossroad. As refuges flocked into the area, they began to settle in the secure location. With traffic flowing from all over the area, the refuges began to build structures to meet the needs.

Within a generation the settlement was known to travelers as the gateway into Abanasinia from the south. The major difference is that it has none of the mighty Vallenwood trees, so the town was constructed on the ground from stone and sturdy wood. The settlement was first called Gateway in 21 AC by the Mayor Pellanis Corvus at a town council. With a growing market the town was well becoming prosperous. It was during this period that a group called the Seekers began to arrive in the area. The Seekers were a group of former clerics who had begun to establish schools in the villages of Abanasia. They were trying to help rebuild the area and provide guidance to the population.

Over the course of the next 200 hundred years the town steadily grew in its population. One of the main disadvantages of the community was that it had built its buildings on the ground rather than neighboring Solace. This led to frequent raids which resulted in mass destruction of the village. Years later, Gateway raised a stone wall around the settlement to better protect those who lived within.

In 289 AC the Seekers began to instill themselves more into the government of the town. Within a few years the town council was dominated by those associated with the Seeker faith. As the community began to become more focused on the religion changes began to creep in. Once where travelers were once welcomed with open arms now they were questioned in the community. The Seeker religion drove many to seek new areas to trade.

The small community of Gateway was founded in Abanasinia during the first years of the Age of Despair, at roughly the same time as the fledgling hamlet of Solace.

The town is more of a crossroads than anything else, lying south of Solace, at the base of the Sentinel Peaks and Gateway Pass.

It is also located along the White-Rage River. Similar in many respects to Solace itself, the major difference is that all of the town shops are situated on the ground rather than in the trees. Gateway is governed by an elected mayor - Alrick Mangaloe.

During the War of the Lance, Gateway was one of the bases for the Seeker religion and was ruled by a High Theocrat, however it has long since returned to the original democratic system. During the same war, the city was sacked by the Red Dragonarmy. This once thriving market town was reduced to ruins, and was later liberated.

The overall community is very friendly and hospitable to outsiders. Outsiders traveling through this quiet town are the main source of outside news and information that is brought into the town. Gateway is very well kept and it structures are sturdy ... mostly made of stone and wood.

The roads are paved in gravel and well maintained. Law enforcement in Gateway consists of a small forse of well armed town guards that patrol on a regular bases, even "at times" outside the towns borders to keep watch of the nearby hills and mountains for any hostile entities that might cause trouble for the town.

Notable Locations
Council Hall
The Steel Piece Inn
Gateway Provisioners
Temple of Mishakal
Watch House
Gateway Bank

Geographical Locations
White-Rage River
Cemetery & Catacombs

This community has a standing population of approximately 1,000 people, during the summer months it is slightly higher. The settlement was partially built upon an ancient dwarven settlement that existed many years ago and most of the structures of Gateway carry a slight dwarven manner to them. Gateway mostly consists of locals but does have a few that are not native to the region. The woodsmen of the region consist of a hearty folk with many strong warriors.

The settlements community is made up of friendly folk but they always seem to have there guard up during these troubling times. These people understand that the sporadic raids by bandits and goblins that have been happening recently might cause them to be forced to defend themselves or others whom they are allied with but regardless, life goes on and even though they stand ready to fight, these people still live a normal life.

The climate tends to be cool during the summer but winters are usually very cold with much snowfall in this region. Farming and hunting are the many trades of the region, along with the trade that comes into Gateway from time to time. Exports mostly consist of furs and pelts along with meat from hunting within the surrounding area.

Mayor Alrick Mangaloe commands the well equipped town guard, a force of soldiers who perform guard and police functions in and around the walled settlement. Alrick Mangaloe can muster a force of about 50-75, given a day’s notice, to supplement this force if Gateway is threatened. Gateway is primarily a lumber trade settlement based on barter and trade and the mayor keeps a monetary system afloat, and a market place that sells mostly common goods.

Most residents of Gateway hardly ever travel beyond the immediate region. The majority of citizens are tradesmen of some sort, and the settlement of Gateway employs various other craftspeople as well. Wagons occasionally head north and southusing rounds that leave from Gateway to find trade with the next village, town or settlement within the lands of Abanasinia.

Notable People
• Alrick Mangaloe

A well-equipped town guard imposes order in Gateway, led by the respected captain, Alrick Mangaloe oversees all trials of note, many of the merchant class suffer stiffer fines and penalties, which compel them to scheme against their mayor even further but the mayor only has the best interests of Gateway and the people who live here in mind.

Festivals & Events
Gateway holds frequent festivals such as the Midwinter Solstice Festival, feasts, and fairs throughout the year, and also the midsummer Peachiest Pie bake-off is held during this celebration. The festivals will also have other random events and contests that change from year to year depending on popularity.

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