Saturday, November 6, 2021

Krynn Currency Value
The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

In the Age of Dreams and the Age of Might, coinage was developed that reflected the worth of the time. Those metals thought more precious made coins worth more. Copper, silver, gold, and platinum were the only metals used as coins. Gold became the standard monetary unit, and was a commonplace sight in Istar and abroad. Barter did exist, but it was very much the exception rather than the rule.

Following the First Cataclysm, however, the steel piece became the standard monetary unit for Ansalon, replacing the gold piece. Steel had become scarce and was needed for making weapons and tools, and for reforging the wartorn Continent of Ansalon. Gold, because it was too soft for either of these applications, became nearly worthless, except for ornamentation.

When purchasing items in the Core Rulebook, consider 1 gold piece to be equal to 1 Krynn steel piece.

The following table shows the exchange rates employed throughout Ansalon. Regional variations (GM’s option) do occur. One gold piece in the Dragonlance setting is only one-fortieth of a steel piece – making it less valuable than a silver piece in standard Pathfinder terms.

The value of coins is in the following order: platinum, steel, iron/bronze, silver, gold and finally copper.

Barter as a method of commerce is far more common in the Age of Despair, and has moved to the forefront later in the Age of Mortals. Strong governments have not emerged to push forward either a gold or steel standard, and so goods that can be used tend to gain more than gold or steel. Steel still tends to be valued higher, and in cities and nations where a government remains in place, the steel system remains.

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