Saturday, November 25, 2023

Ready For Content
The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

Friday, November 10, 2023

Ready For Content
The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Dragon Rules
The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

The dragons of Krynn are power incarnate and they know it. The DM has the responsibility of playing these magnificent beasts properly. There should be nothing so terrifying to PCs as dragons on the wing. When in flight at full speed, dragons rush across the world like a gale, but their ability to turn is greatly impaired (Maneuverability Class E).

When engaging earth-bound creatures in combat, dragons slow to half-speed, improving their maneuverability to Class D. At less than half speed, the creatures stall and lose altitude. They can climb at half speed or dive at double their listed speeds. Dragons can glide but they lose 1,000 feet of altitude per round. Dragons can perform a wingover if they stall while climbing. This enables them to turn 120 degrees as they dive to regain speed.

Very young and young adult dragons have maneuverability ratings one better than older dragons (Class D at full speed, Class C at half speed). Dragons cannot fly higher than 10,000 feet because the air becomes too rarefied to breathe at that altitude.

When attacking from the air, dragons employ their breath weapons and awe ability while swooping down low over their opponents and then climbing back into the sky.

Flying dragons can swoop down and either claw or bite, but not both. Diving dragons inflict double damage with their claws if they dive. Dragons cannot cast spells while flying, but can cast spells on the ground or while gliding. Most dragons tend to use their breath weapons twice and then wait for a strategic moment to use their third breath attack.

Dragons are haughty creatures and may refuse to fight except as it suits their own purposes. When using spells, they often cast them before melee to avoid the conflict, weaken their opponents, or gain the upper hand. Once in melee, dragons cast spells only if losing.

Dragons do not knowingly place themselves in a position to be subdued, although they are clever enough to pretend to be subdued to lure unwary adventurers into a trap. Dragons are very clever opponents. They have been known to feign death, unconsciousness, sleep, or subdual to trap opponents. They can see, hear, and smell much better than most creatures and automatically detect hidden and invisible beings at a range of 1' per age level. They are rarely surprised. Dragons adapt their tactics to the situarion as is appropriate for very clever creatures. The following tactics are frequently used.

1. Dragons stay in the air as much as possible during melee to cause awe (see below) and stay out of hand-held weapon range.
2. If the combat area is dusty, they beat their wings, stirring up clouds to blind fighters and disturb spell casters.
3. They use clever conversation and promises to talk their way out of bad situations.

The power to cause awe and fear is one of a dragons' most potent weapons. Flying or charging dragons cause awe under the following conditions: 1. Watchers with less than 1 hit die automatically panic and flee for 4d8 turns.
2. Watchers with 1 to 3 hit dice must roll a' successful saving throw vs. spell or be paralyzed with fear (50% chance) or flee as'above (50% chance).
3. All others must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell or suffer a - 1 penalty to hit.

Even the draconians are subject to these effects from good dragons. If the draconians are within 12' of the evil dragon they serve, however, they have a +1 bonus to hit.

Dragons younger than adult cannot inspire awe.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

The Motivation Behind This Campaign
The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

Choosing a campaign setting that you want to sink a "lot" of time into is not an easy job for a DM, well, a deranged DM such as myself I should say. I want that perfect setting, "I want it all" and I've found out, a DM can't have it all . . . unless he can. I know, that made no sense at all lol. Let me break it down for you folks.

I want a campaign setting that has that classic feel but at the same time I want to have a campaign setting that has the epicness of Middle-earth while at the same time I want to be able to portray this setting to my players so they fall in love with it. Yea, I know - good luck with that. Joe Manganiello has gone on record saying that Dragonlance is the Star Wars of D&D - and I honestly 100% agree with him.

I'm a huge Middle-earth fan, and I mean huge, and it seems like every time I work on a campaign setting I end up comparing it to Middle-earth. In the end I would just get frustrated and quit, so I took a step back over the holidays and just kind of looked at it all from a distance - sure, I could run the Adventures in Middle-earth RPG but then I'd be right back in the middle of 5th edition and if I have not made it clear how I feel about WotC and 5th edition then something is for sure wrong lol. So, what other campaign setting could I dive into that would give me this Middle-earth feeling?

In the end, the answer just hit me like a ton of bricks . . . Dragonlance. The problem with choosing Dragonlance was I did not really want to run a campaign during the War of the Lance, that story has been told a hundred times and I really did not much care for the year during Dragons of Summer Flame and everything past that event so now what was I going to do? I could move forward to 381AC "just before Summer Flame" and just homebrew my own campaign - but then I would have to deal with all the holier than thou canon purists bitching at me about changing stuff in the overall story and you know what? Screw em!

Gary Gygax himself said that everything about D&D is printed in the books but it is up to you as a Dungeon Master to mold it to how you like it. This is what I plan to do. I'll write up an epic campaign story that will take the companions right into another war.

The more I thought about this idea, the more I felt like this would easily give me my Middle-earth, Lord of the Rings feel to this campaign and for the first time in a while, I started to actually get excited about writing my own story set in the world of Krynn.

If my changes bother you, ahh well, go find yourself another campaign blog because I plan to do my own Dragonlance story. Everything that happened up to the year 381AC will remain, everything that happens after 381AC will be erased and rewritten. I do plan to try and keep my story as close to the "spirit" of Dragonlance as possible. I mean, Dragonlance is a special campaign setting and I would never try to take away from that.

I want to build my own campaign based off the War of the Darklance alternate timeline that was written by the one and only Trampas "Dragonhelm" Whiteman, the owner of the Dragonlance Nexus website and the Dragonlance nexus "now over 17,000 members - a group that I personally started many years ago". I do not plan to write my campaign story word for word with what is written in the War of the Darklance but my story will be heavily influenced by the War of the Darklance story. I just hope that I can do it justice.

What was it that Joe Manganiello said, he called Dragonlance the "Star Wars of D&D", well, while I totally agree with him, I would also have to say "Dragonlance is my Middle-earth of D&D".

Friday, October 27, 2023

Council Hall
The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman
This small building is the location where Alrick Mangaloe, and the small council members meet and it is the center of government in Gateway which is where one might find mayor Alrick Mangaloe during the day time hours when he is not out and about the settlement. This location is also the public meeting place for any important meeting that requires the ruling governments attention. Members of the small council include prominent business owners and merchant guild members.

The hall is used for multiple purposes but is mainly used for meetings and such with a sturdy oak table with chairs seated around it. A large hearth warms the entire office during the colder months of the year. The mayor will meet here monthly with most of the prominent business owners in Gateway to discuss matters of importance. A large designer rug lay across most of the center of the room with well-made furniture and such spread across the room.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

Gateway hosts an open market in the south-western section of town. Numerous small stalls and booths sell everything from produce, cloth and even a selection of weapons and armour. Various guilds also have small stalls set up to sell their most sought-after wares.

In addition, loud and garish street performers compete for shoppers’ attention (and coin). (Pick pockets hang around such folk in small numbers at times - when they are not sitting in jail for robbing people).

The most famous of these is the mysterious Zado (see "Notable Folk”). Other traders wander the market either carrying their few wares or pushing them about in handcarts. Refreshments can also be had from several handcarts and stalls.

By day, the Gateway market is a busy place. Some local artificers and trade folk have permanent stalls while others are taken by visiting merchants, folk visiting from nearby villages, and others just trying to sell their junk and tat. Town folk and visitors to Gateway come here to buy that which they cannot get at home.

At night, the market is quiet—but far from empty. Some stallholders employ folk to watch their merchandise overnight so they don’t have to pack it all away and keep it safe from the roaming beggars, thieves and drunks that infest the place after dark. A few stalls—fortunetellers and the like—stay open late, while others use the unoccupied tents and stalls as places for their trysts or secret colloquies.

A random fellow that can be seen within the marketplace during the day time house is Zado. Zado is a strange individual dressed in black who wears various feathered masks while juggling and doing magical tricks. Zado hears and sees more than he lets on, information he sells to both nobles and merchants. Little happens without Zado somehow knowing it. Some suspect there might be multiple “Zados” throughout town working together. While the market is usually open throughout the week, once each week, the "official Market Day" acts as a siren’s song, calling most of the local folk to shop and socialize in the market. Farmers sell produce, hunters hawk smoked meats, villagers sell crafts, and sometimes a trader from distant locations sells implements or costly goods.

This one day each week is when one will find merchants visiting from other locations to sell wares. This is the busiest day of the way in the marketplace. "During this particular day, there is a 50% chance that items from the adventuring gear list in the Player’s Handbook are available for sale here". Adventurers will almost never find armor, weapons, implements, or magic items in the market square, however.

Use this table with a D20 to determine what a stall sells:
1) Miscellaneous Objects & Ornaments
2) Fruit & Vegetables
3) Bread
4) Ale & beer
5) Clothes, Mundane
6) Clothes, Woolen
7) Iron Ware Goods
8) Small Livestock
9) Simple Toys
10) Candles
11) Pots, Pans and Cooking Wares
12) Belts, Boots & Shoes
13) Jewelry
14) Furniture, Woodwork
15) Simple Weapons
16) Pets
17) Clothes Woolen
18) Fortune Telling
20) Players Choice (Within Reason)

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Steel Piece Inn
The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

This building is one of the oldest buildings in Gateway. The structure is a three story stone building that withstood the dragonarmy destruction of the town. It is run by Stan Whiteguard, formerly from village of Ravenvale, and it rarely has a free room for the night. This inn is also famous for its Dragon Stew that is rumored to be made from dragons.

The Steel Piece is a quaint inn in the settlement of Gateway. Outside the inn, hanging over the entrance, is a square wooden sign that shows a buxom and smiling girl holding a flagon of beer with a customer handing over his coins. The Steel Piece, is a place renowned for its good food and excellent drink! Passing merchants make a point of stopping, as do many other sorts of wayfarers, and it is said that the place is always filled with patrons.

The Steel Piece is owned by Stan Whiteguard, who operates this establishment in Gateway. He is polite and smiles often to customers, but one can tell he does not tolerate visitors who do not respect the taverns rules. He is friendly enough "for the most part" and is always welcoming to those entering his establishment.

Stan came from the east seeking opportunity in prospecting like some others. He soon found that he knew more about running an inn than mining, and so he established the inn.

The Steel Piece is a nondescript everyday Inn one might find in any mid-sized town or village in Abanasinia - actually it is rather large for the small settlement of Gateway. The main floor in the inn consists mostly of open area filled with small round tables with chairs and a half circle bar located along the left side on the main floor as you enter the establishment. Bar stools have been placed at the bar itself. The inn is clean and very well maintained, you can tell Stan takes great pride in his business. During most times during business hours, you will see several young ladies waiting tables with Stan either behind the bar or out amongst the customers making small talk.

Prices at the Steel Piece are fairly standard even if it is the only inn for many miles and the meals that are prepared here make up for the long traveling times. Choice venison, mutton, poached salmon, trout stuffed with specially prepared mixtures, goose roasted to a golden brown, pork, steaming sausages, steak and kidney pie with mushrooms or truffles, squab stuffed pheasant and boiled crayfish in drawn butter are just a few of the delights which are served here alongside the inns famous dragon stew.

The people of Gateway, from hunters to farmers, enjoy relaxing in the common room, which has become a good place to hear local gossip and stories. The inn is kept neat and clean, and is a generally pleasant place to visit. The inn provides twelve rentable rooms on the upper floor, plus alcoholic beverages and food. A bed is six silver pieces a night, and prices are fairly standard for food, ale, and cider, with meals coming to standard prices. The bar is usually manned during business hours by someone.

Stan arrived in Gateway from the north, and founded the inn. With the random problems happening throughout the region it has become a welcome rest stop for many, as well as many locals that live in the settlement of Gateway.

Business continues more-or-less as usual during these times. The inn plays also host to various important visitors at times. The inn's common room also became a favorite location for various local folk. For larger meetings that take place at this inn, the inn has a room in the back with a large table and many chairs placed around it to hold Council meetings and such.

As of now, the inn remaines prosperous and largely unchanged. However, at a point approximately 30 years ago during the War of the Lance, Stan was forced to secure a loan to help keep the establishment running but things have sense turned around for the inn and Stan. Stan is very happy with how the townsmater is running the settlement and how he has done many things to help the community grow and prosper. Stan feels, with the rumors that are starting to circulate around Gateway that trouble is coming - he hopes this is just rumors and everything will remain peaceful and calm as it has for many years.

Meals are served on pottery or pewter or copper services according to the customers order. Various leather jacks, pottery mugs, wooden tankards, pewter steins, glass flagons, crystal goblets, or silver chalices are used for the beverages.

The locally brewed ale and beer is supplemented by brews from other places, and wine, mead and brandy from all over the realms make their way to the boards of the Steel Piece.

(All full meals served with bread and honey, potatoes, and string beans, yams, rum-boiled artichokes, potatoes, and string beans, yams, rum-boiled artichokes, cabbage, carrots, or spinach)

Peppered Bread: 12cp
Oatmeal: 8cp
Chicken Eggs: 5cp
Fruit and Cheese: 10cp
Pork Sausages: 15cp

Dragon Stew
Game Pie: 12cp
Boar Steak: 2sp
Venison Stew: 1sp
Beef Stew: 1sp
Parsnip, Mutton & Nettles Soup: 1sp

Cloudberry Pie: 8cp
Old Granny's Cinnamon Apple Pie: 15cp

Pear Cider: 6cp
Apple Lemonade: 5cp Goat Milk: 2cp
Cloudberry Cider: 2sp
Dulwich Local Ale: 3cp
Wild Strawberry Black Tea: 2cp
Apple Lemonade Juice: 5cp
Ashbrew Bitter: 2cp
Ashbrew Stout: 2cp

Dried & Smoked Meat, Goat Cheese, Dried Berries, Oats and Honey (wrapped in waxed paper): 2sp

The upper rooms are very clean, and all of the rooms are heated. Each room has a fine bed, many covers & blankets, a wash stand, chamber pot, towel, pegs for garments, and several chairs and stools.

Guest Room: 6sp

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Gateway Provisioners
The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

This trading post is located on the south side of Gateway. It is the first shop that would be seen when entering the settlement from the North. Virtually every sort of saleable goods are sold here. Rare and/or unusual items might be obtained at a price and in time (and will often be spurious or faulty). Magical items are NOT sold here ever!

Jorah Morment, a male human, runs this business, in a large structure rebuilt after a fire a few years ago. It still bears the original name in honor of its long service providing the community with supplies of all sorts.

Although other shops and merchants have operated in the settlement in the past, this old trading post remains standing and a favorite of adventurers and travelers due to its proximity to the Steel Piece. This shop has stood throughout the lifetime of Gateway and been the main location for buying trade goods.

The establishment seems to always be well stocked. The store itself is medium sized to large with a single floor but it does have many alchoves along the upper walls that are accessed with ladders. The trading post is owned and operated by Jorah Morment.

This trading post acts basically as a general store, and is open from dawn until dusk. It sells low-cost trade wares, such as adventuring gear, as well as rations and other simple goods, and is perhaps the only place in the region that carries specialty skull-shaped butter from a local farm not far from the walls of Gateway.

The trading post also serves as a trading hub. Clerks Andal and Thistle (two more younger boys) unload and load carts of goods and resources that come into, or go out of Gateway via wagon. Jorah Morment also brokers deals for large sales of livestock and similar goods, bringing together local sellers from around the region with buyers from far off towns and cities.

1. Clothing and Packs: peasant equipment is about 70% of list price, rounded down; dungeoneering items are 100% rounded up.

2. Footwear, Gloves & Belts: Prices to adventurers is 125% of list, 80% to villagers.

3. Lighting Equipment: Tinderboxes, candles, oil, lamps, wicks, lanterns etc are 110% of list, rounded up.

4. Hand Tools: Hammers, adzes, planes, nails, saws etc. A file sells for 1sp and up. Saws cost cost about the same as a hand axe or hatchet.

5. Food & Herbs: Rations packed to go are 120% of list, and herbs are 150% of list.

6. Ropes, Chains & Dungeoneering Gear: (including writing materials and religious items) 110% of list. 7. Polearms & Shields: 120% of list.

8. Other Weapons, Missles and Associated Gear: 140% of list.

9. Armor & Helmets: Padded, studded and leather armor are always in stock. There will be a 70% chance that ring mail is currently in stock, 50% for scale mail, 30% for chain mail, and 10% for a set of banded mail & above. These are all 160% of list. All orders will be at 200% of list. (use d6, 1 being to small, 6 being too large and other rolls will fit).

10. Tack, Harness, Wheelbarrows & Dungeon Carts: All in stock will be at 75% of list.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Traders Bank
The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

The Haven Bank is a banking business in Haven that offers money-lending and secured storage to the merchants and traders that come through Haven. It is owned and operated by a very old man by the name of Stephon Winterghast.

The bank is located on the north side of the city and has been well established since the early days of Haven. It carries a good working reputation with it's customers and the people of Haven. The bank is established within a well-secured building that is said to have magical wards placed all through the structure to assist in the location remaining secure at all times.

This local bank is endorsed by the lord mayor of Haven and during all business hours one can always find at least two guards stationed inside as well as outside the bank at the entrance.

The bank offers a fairly straightforward service. Individuals can deposit their hard-earned coin within the secured building and withdraw the same amount at a later date. Information about the amounts of transactions and the bank's clientele are kept secret. The banks handling fees are 3% for all coin deposits and storage (no matter the length of time the bank holds a customers coin and valuables) and 4% are non coin valuables stored within the bank.

The Haven Traders Bank does not offer loands to customers. It is strictly a location within Haven that exchanges coin and stores valuables for this in need "at a small fee of course". Storge of items has no time limit but the storage fees do adjust with the length of time the items are stored here.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Temple of Mishakal
The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

The Temple of Mishakal is a magnificent cathedral built with contributions from the town’s affluent citizens. Gateway still mourns the recent death of the former high priest of Mishakal, Taistro Rintala. His successor, the young priestess Vuokko Laiten, now heads the temple due to the support of influential merchants who seek to use her as a political pawn for power, particularly against the mayor, Alrick Mangaloe.

Alrick relies on the Temple of Mishakal for public support. Alrick Mangaloe was scheming with the high priest to wrest complete control of nearby Longbridge from his rival, Hilduin Lorsch, a plan now disrupted. Alrick seeks to expand his power to stymie the growing power of the merchant class flush with gold from the profitable lumber industry.

A recent push by the guilds calls for the establishment of fair and impartial (or easily bribed) courts of law with stricter oversight. Vuokko Laiten finds herself in the middle of this feud as the merchants petition the Temple of Mishakal for support, which was previously denied by the former high priest. Vuokko struggles to consolidate her own power and find a satisfactory resolution to the problem. She favours having the faithful—under her guidance— take on a larger role in judging legal matters. However, both the nobles and merchants fear granting the temple too much power.

One of the earlier structures built in Gateway, the Temple of Mishakal, is undergoing another bout of renovation and expansion thanks to generous donations from its increasingly loyal followers. The tall, elaborate stone cathedral dominates the town; from its magnificent bell tower rings a new silver bell. Another recent contribution paid for elaborate stained glass windows. A well-tended grove separates the cathedral from the well-appointed houses used by the clergy.

Less than a year ago, the beloved and respected high priest, Taistro Rintala, died unexpectedly. Some believe foul play was the cause, while others blame a sickness from the Salt Mire. A schism in the clergy between the Alrick Mangaloe supporters and those of the merchant guilds resulted in Vuokko Laiten, an inexperienced priestess in her twenties, becoming the new high priestess.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman
The stables are owned by Gentry Benton, an elderly man who has gotten too old to maintain them so he lets his grandson, Samuel Benton handle day to day operations. Mounts and such stabled here are well taken care off and groomed on a regular bases. Gentry and his grandson do not have set rates for stabling mounts, Samuel usually works off of tips since he finds he earns a better living doing business this way.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Watch House
The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman
Located in the settlement of Gateway sits a large building where the captain of the Gateway town guard, coordinates his detachment of soldiers, and where miscreants serve their sentences. The Fallcrest Captain of the Guard is Randd Talwren, a serious looking younger man, when on duty he is always dressed smartly in his guard uniform. Plate epaulets and higher quality arms and armor easily make him distinguishable from the common city militia. He commands a force of guards who keep Gateway relatively safe.

The Gateway Watch House stands at the intersection of main street and High Road. The watch house is a base for the Gateway Regulars and also serves as a barracks for some of the militia themselves. Also a part of the building "in the basement" is the Gateway jail. The watch house also has a rather large armory "which is located in the back of the main floor and very well secured". Usually, four, sometimes six Gateway militia are present in the watch house at any given time, either hearing public complaints, guarding the jail, or sleeping.

The barracks is located on the second floor containing multiple bunks for sleeping. The jail which is located in the basement has a dozen cells. Each cell is approximately 20 square feet in size.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

Abanasinia found itself near the shores of the New Sea, created after the Fiery Mountain struck Krynn. Perhaps the most relaxed region of Ansalon, the plains are home to numerous tribes of plains barbarians, as well as the settlement of Solace, and cities such as Haven, Gateway and at least one hill dwarf community. Whilst the region is best known for it's wide and verdant plains, it also has a number of city states dotted throughout. Those from Abanasinia are called Abanasinian.

Though many of the villages and towns of Abanasinia were destroyed in the War of the Lance, and again following the Second Cataclysm, the inhabitants continue to rebuild their homes. The tree town of Solace is perhaps the most significant village in Abanasinia, for here the legendary Majere Family lives among the mighty vallenwood trees. Here also is the Inn of the Last Home, the most famous inn of any sort on Ansalon.

North of Solace are the shores of Crystalmir Lake, and southwest of the lake are the boughs of Darken Wood, where the living dare not enter. Its borders are protected by a legion of undead soldiers, and the wood is governed by the mysterious Forestmaster.

To the east lie the grassy plains, home of the barbarian tribes. If one ventures eastward further, the plains gradually become a huge swamp, which houses the ruins of Xak Tsaroth. Abanasinia is perhaps the most sheltered of the many regions of Ansalon: with Thorbardin, the Kharolis Mountains and the Neidar Dwarf (hill dwarf) communities to its south, the swamps of Xak Tsaroth, the Eastwall Mountains and New Sea to the east, the Straits of Schallsea to the north and Qualinesti to the west, Abanasinia is well protected.

Prior to the Cataclysm, the land which would become known as Abanasinia was ruled by the tribes of the plains. Whilst the Cataclysm had very little impact, it did see the majority of the tribes turn from the gods and instead revert to ancestor and totem worship as their primary religion. Many towns were founded along the coastline of Abanasinia, and more extensive trade routes were established between the towns of the region.

Goblins and bandits preyed on merchant caravans, however an influx of mercenaries into Abanasinia, finally saw an end to their threat. The disappearance of the gods led to a new religion based on false gods known as the Seekers, which sprouted in Abanasinia. The Seekers formed a theocracy in the region and ruled several towns, basing their headquarters in Haven. However their reign ended with the War of the Lance.

The War of the Lance brought the Red Dragonarmy through Abanasinia, who conquered the region with Highlord Verminaard at their head. The army crushed the plains barbarians and subjugated the majority of the towns of the region to their will, enslaving many Abanasinian inhabitants in the mines of Pax Tharkas. However it was from this region that the Heroes of the Lance emerged and eventually defeated Verminaard and were the key to the end of the war itself.

• Ankatavaka
• Crossing
• Digfel
• Esker
• Goodbay
• Long Ridge
• Munston
• New Ports
• North Keep
• Qué-Han
• Qué-Shu
• Qué-Talic
• Qué-taw
• Sad Town
• Staughton
• Tantallon
• Windy Vale
• Zaradene

• Haven Road
• Sageway East

• Academy of Sorcery
• Eld Manor
• Xak Khalan
• Xak Tsaroth

Geographical Features
• Abanasinian Plains
• Crystalmir Lake
• Cursed Lands of Newsea
• Darken Wood
• Darkhaven Clearing
• Dire Wood
• Eastwall Mountains
• Forsaken Pass
• Gadar's Citadel
• Gateway Pass
• Prayer's Eye Peak
• Sentinel Peaks
• Shadow Canyon
• Solace Vale
• White-Rage River

Mystical and Holy Sites
• Hall of Sleeping Spirits

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

City of Haven
The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

The largest city in Abanasinia, the Lordcity of Haven is a farming comunity centrally located between Solace and Gateway. Haven has been declared a Lordcity by its inhabitants, who naively believe their city rivals the great Lordcities of Solamnia. Still, Haven is an important hub of activity in Abanasinia.

Its fertile farmlands yield many crops that help sustain the local people. In the past, even the Qualinesti elves purchased their grapes from Haven vineyards, making a wine that became famous throughout Ansalon.

Haven arose in Abanasinia from the ruins of an elven city that was destroyed in the Cataclysm. A number of human families built the city with the aid of the elves and set themselves up as the rulers. Many laws and privileges were created at the whim of the founders, and any person who wishes to have any say in the Lordcity of Haven, must be able to trace their lineage back somehow to the city founders. The mayor who governs the city is of foremost importance in being able to do this.

The most important city in Abanasinia, Haven has a very important part spreading new religions, including Belzor's, the old gods, and the Seekers. Rule of the city was taken by the Seeker priests, who set themselves up as the Council of Highseekers. The Seekers' headquarters was erected in Haven and they setup their own militia, using the mayor of that time as their puppet.

From a political center, it quickly turned into a religious center. During The War of The Lance, the city was captured by the Red Dragonarmy, and quickly suppressed the false religions, forcing fake priests to convert to Takhisis or be slain. Haven is located southwest of Solace, northwest of the Darken Wood and northwest of the Qualinesti realm.

Although Haven is geographically large, its population has been relatively small in the past, numbering around five thousand people. However, with refugees flooding the city, the population has swollen to just under fifteen thousand. With such a massive influx, thieves and other people of dubious profession walk the streets.

Holy Guards are stationed throughout the city, viewing everyone with suspicion. The city is surrounded by a low marble wall that was originally constructed to keep out wildlife. A guardhouse stands at the city gates, which until recently were left open during the day, welcoming people from across the land.

The gates are now closed to bar the entry of more refugees. Haven is a relatively large city with a population of approximately 14,889 citizens with a mix of 82% humans, 8% kender with the remaining races being dwarves for the most with some half elves mixed in.

During the War of the Lance, rule of the city was taken by the Seeker priests, who set themselves up as the Council of Highseekers. The Seekers' headquarters was erected in Haven and they setup their own militia, using the mayor of that time as their puppet. After the death of Verminaard in Pax Tharkas, Haven was made the new headquarters of the Red Dragonarmy. Beggars, casualties of the war, started to line the roads leading into Haven begging for food and coin.

Wealth flows through the city in abundance due to the lucrative timber industry and Havens position as a trading center. Its citizens live in well-constructed two-storey homes of stone (harvested from earlier settlements) and thick, sturdy wood. Most of its streetsare cobblestone, paved roads have begun to appear in more affluent areas. A keep was recently built in the center of Haven, it was built over an older wooden fortification. Its towers barely top the tall spire of the nearby Temple, a magnificent cathedral built with contributions from the town’s affluent citizens.

Fine-spun woollen tunics and breeches for the working class are the norm, dyed in various colors. Haven is a busy market city and it does much trade with other settlements throughout Abanasinia.

Many of Havens citizens are craftsmen, merchants or traders of some sort, with many more involved in logging. A few businesses cater to outsiders, particularly adventuresome types. Now, thirty years later, with the war being over with and the fall of the Seeker religion, rule again passed back to the mayor, and the city has continued to grow and develop through extensive trade and commerce.

Notable Locations
Steel Tankard Tavern
Traders Bank of Haven
Blackrock Bakery
Daft Gnome Ale House
Grinning Goat Tavern
The Happee Ohgr
Haven Arms
Haven Council Hall
Haven Grand Market
Haven Jail
Mageware Shop
River Harbor
Ironheart Blacksmith
Purveyor of Pigments and Dyes
Swan's Musicians

Region Locations
Haven River
Haven's Vale
Seeker Reaches

This community has a standing population of approximately 14,889 citizens. The settlement was partially built upon an ancient settlement many years ago and most of the structures of Haven carry a slight manner to them of the previous settlement. Haven mostly consists of locals but does have a few that are not native to the region. The woodsmen of the region consist of a hearty folk with many strong warriors.

The city is made up of friendly folk but they always seem to have there guard up during these troubling times. These people understand that the rumors that have been springing up recently might cause them to be forced to defend themselves or others whom they are allied with but regardless, life goes on and even though they stand ready to fight, these people still live a normal life.

The climate tends to be cool during the summer but winters are usually very cold with much snowfall in this region . . . typical northern weather, just how they like it. Farming and hunting are the many trades of the region, along with the trade that comes into Haven from time to time. Exports mostly consist of furs and pelts along with meat from hunting within the surrounding area.

Lord Wido Gall commands the well equipped town guard, a force of soldiers who perform guard and police functions in and around the walled settlement. Gall can muster a force of about 200, given a day’s notice, to supplement this force if Haven is threatened. Haven is primarily a lumber trade settlement based on barter and trade and lord Gall keeps a monetary system afloat, and a market place that sells mostly common goods.

Most residents of Haven hardly ever travel beyond the immediate region. The majority of citizens are tradesmen of some sort, and the settlement of Haven employs various other craftspeople as well. Wagons occasionally head north down the two mostly traveled roads from Haven to find trade with the next village, town or settlement within the region.

Notable People
• Wido Gall

A well-equipped town guard imposes order in Haven, led by the respected captain, Tuula Tenbaran. Lawbreakers are imprisoned in the dungeons beneath Haven Keep. Because Wido Gall oversees all trials of note, many of the merchant class suffer stiffer fines and penalties, which compel them to scheme against their lord even further. The merchants, of course, would love to have Tuula Tenbaran in their pocket, but she remains stubbornly loyal to Wido. Several guilds have spent considerable coin both in wooing Tuula and in trying to uncover her weaknesses and vulnerabilities— thus far for little result.

A recent push by the guilds calls for the establishment of fair and impartial (or easily bribed) courts of law with stricter oversight. Vuokko Laiten "a local Priestess" finds herself in the middle of this feud as the merchants petition the Temple for support, which was previously denied by the former high priest. Vuokko struggles to consolidate her own power and find a satisfactory resolution to the problem. She favours having the faithful—under her guidance— take on a larger role in judging legal matters. However, both the nobles and merchants fear granting the temple too much power.

Festivals & Events
Haven holds frequent festivals such as the Midwinter Solstice Festival, feasts, and fairs throughout the year, and also the midsummer Peachiest Pie bake-off is held during this celebration. The festivals will also have other random events and contests that change from year to year depending on popularity.

Friday, October 6, 2023

The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

Slightly south of the town of Tantallon, nestled quietly in the arms of a calm and peaceful vale lies the settlement of Ravenvale. The settlement is populated "mostly" by human farmers and laborers who toil the earth and live out a quiet peaceful existence, free of the turmoil in the more populated regions of Ansalon. Ravenvale is located in a beautiful region and is one of the most peaceful, beautiful locals in Abansinia.

It maintains a standing population of approximately 120 citizens year round. The population does not fluctuate from season to season, the warmer months might increase to a population of around 130-140 due to kinfolk visiting and such.

The settlement sees a small amount of traffic from travelers "who usually stop at the Ravenvale Inn "the only inn within the settlement" but shortly after are moving on", and is used more as a crossroads between Tantallon and the other larger towns than anything else.

Ravenvale hasn't grown much since the War of the Lance, thirty years later, it looks almost the same as it did during the war. It is a community where everyone knows one another and everyone is friends or family. A small river flows softly past the settlement to the east. Krynn has many beautiful locations and the settlement of Ravenvale is most definitely one of them. The Eastwall Mountains cradle this settlement in its arms on all sides along with several waterfalls. Low hanging clouds gives this region a cozy feel. This is truly a remarkable sight. Several waterfalls fall from the cliffs surrounding the village, supplying the river with fresh water for the much need fishing that is done in its waters.

The settlement is governed by a man named Tallos Witherspoon "the mayor of Ravenvale". The settlement has no real standing miltia, only a few locals "former adventurers" that casually keep watch over the settlement, and Ravenvale has seen no trouble in a very long time. Their are a few shops and stores located here as well as the Ravenvale Inn "which serves some of the finest food in the region" .

Farming and fishing are the primary source of income for Ravenvale although the location does have a smithy which sometimes trades with outside settlements. Ravenvale also has a small temple devoted to the worship of Mishakal.

At the Midsummer Solstice, Ravenvale holds a festival that runs all week, during which all forms of traditional entertainment are found. People come from all over Abanasinia and sometimes beyond "within traveling distance of course" with the pretext of sampling the good food, buying fancy clothes but above all to participate in the Auction at the close of the festivities. Since the War of the Lance, several upperclass families have moved into Ravenvale and set up shops. This greatly helped the economy of Ravenvale and assisted it in even more people coming to the area to settle.

Like many small settlements across Ansalon, Ravenvale has autonomy in how it governs itself, electing its own officials and imparting its own brand of justice. Only when issues go outside their expertise or infringe upon another jurisdiction are they prone to ask for aid or upscale the matter to outside sources. Ravenvale is a small, tightly packed town with a few important locations.

Ravenvale Locations
Mayors Office
Ravenvale Inn
Traders Establishment
Coalstriker Smithy
Benton Stables
Ravenvale Patisserie Shoppe

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

Solace is found in the middle of Abanasinia next to Crystalmir Lake and has a population of 500 (give or take). This town lies on road to Haven. Before the Cataclysm, Solace was a crossraod to Istar as well. In the past it used to be a part of the Qualinesti elven realm. After a costly battle, the elves decided it was not worth the effort to keep that area as it was far from their capital, Qualinost. The first settlement used to be frequently attacked by goblins, thus the inhabitants decided to build the houses in the branches of the gigantic Vallenwood trees in the area.

Even though the goblin raids lessened, the city grew in the trees, until all except the forge and the stables were located above. The Inn of the Last Home is one of the most charismatic buildings, where the Heroes of the Lance started their adventure.

The hamlet itself was severely damaged during the War of the Lance, when the Red Dragonarmy utilized their red dragons to burn most of the structures.

However, its position in the vallenwood tree made it hard for the troops of the Dragonarmy (reptilian humanoids called Draconians) to access. A red dragon thusly tore it from the tree and deposited it on the ground. Tika Waylan, who later became Caramon Majere's wife, worked here as a barmaid. After the war the inn was placed back in its proper place. Caramon and Tika Majere would later come to own the inn until their deaths. Their daughters run it from that day forth.

The Inn of the Last Home was the site where the original Dragonlance companions started their quest. The inn itself is built in the boughs of a Vallenwood tree, and has a reputation for excellent hospitality. The innkeeper, an overweight, jovial fellow named Otik Sandeth, was famous for his ale and his delicious spiced potatoes. When the Red Dragonarmy invaded Solace, the inn was one of the few structures not burned.

A short time after the War of the Lance, Otik decided to sell the Inn of the Last Home to his adopted daughter Tika and her husband Caramon Majere. The kindly old innkeeper became a welcome customer of the inn and regaled the other patrons with stories about his friends, the Heroes of the Lance. In a few years after passing the inn onto Tika and Caramon, old Otik passed away peacefully and was buried in a small plot within sight of the Inn of the Last Home.

Geographical Areas
• Inn of the Last Home
• Smithy
• Stables

Thursday, August 17, 2023

The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman
Repairing and forging arms and armor is the job of the town smithy, a male dwarf named Bennefre (Benne) Ironhammer, who owns a smithy in the town of Gateway. He is a dwarf male in his mid-fifties . . . he has long hair, an equally long beard and a matter-of-fact attitude. A large collection of armor hangs from the walls. This building is a single story building with several stained-glass windows and a smoothstone floor.

The shop specializes in metal fittings, such as bolts, nails, and other connectors, and also repaired small arms and armor. The smithy also provided axeheads and hammerheads primarily for use as tools, but it could also be a source of weapons and arrowheads.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

About Our Game Rules
The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

I wanted to write up an article describing the game rules we will be using. We are using a "modified" Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy system with a "some" house rules added to it . . . all of which I will explain below. For the most part, we are using Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy as our primary rules.

The main thing we will be using from Old-School Essentials are the races and classes which will be adjusted to fit Krynn along with reworking the Krynn specific races as well. With this system you have core classes that are all from Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy. Core classes are classes like Fighter, Thief, Cleric and others with a few more that we have added to our selection. We have done away with the racial classes from Old-School Essentials comepletely and simply added race back to our system. Each race we have available to play will have the available classes able to be played with that race.

All races will have all the abilities that are shown on the classes page for that specific races as well as the abilities from the Classes they also choose to play with that races. I know it sounds confusing but once you get a grasp of it then it is actually rather simple to understand, it is basically the same exact way AD&D does only we go by what is in the Old-School Essentials books first.

All spells, magical items and such will come from Old-School Essentials unless it specifically comes from AD&D and is not found in the Old-School Essentials books. Basically we always refer to Old-School Essentials first before referring to AD&D. All classes will have level caps raised to 18, along with the non human classes. The reasoning behind us using Old-School Essentials classes is simple, I want to make things challenging for my players.

Old-School Essentials classes are not anywhere near as powerful as newer edition classes so players can't simply have characters charge in and run through all the enemies that they face like characters in systems like 5th edition do. We do plan to use a few 5th edition rules as house rules . . . mainly Advantage/disadvantage and death saves. More 5th edition house rules may be added later but at this time I don't see any that I want to use.

The goal is to stay as true to Old-School Essentials as possible while at times using AD&D rules but keep things as classic as possible. This is a brand new "modified" system that I came up with that has never been tested. I am sure we will encounter bugs that will need to be ironed out and fixed but overall I think I have it pretty well hammered out.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Ravenvale Inn
The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

The Ravenvale Inn, a rather small Inn that is said to be one of the oldest structures in this small community. The Inn has an aged look and feel to it but seems well put together and very well maintained. Most of the clientele have plenty of coin to spend . . . "mostly being travelers and adventurers passing through the region". The Ravenvale Inn might be a small secluded Inn nestled in the middle of Ravenvale but it is still an important location for this small settlement. On any given night, you might find a small group of locals sitting around, drinking a pint and discussing the days events with each other.

It features a Well-Informed Barmaid named Nika and a hearth to warm your spirits. The settlement might be small, where as larger towns and cities have more fancy establishments, but the Ravenvale Inns ale casks are always full! This quaint establishment is owned and operated by an older fella that everyone calls Jeb, his real name is Jebrick Talis. Jebrick has lived in Ravenvale his entire life and knows everyone who lives here by their first name. He is very well liked and respected and believes it is his duty to keep the folk of Ravenvale well fed.

No new customer is turned away as long as they have the money for their drinks and meals. Meals are mostly of standard prices, and the food and drink are well worth the price increase. The guest rooms are rather pricey but again, they are well worth the price. As said before, this establishment is rather small, only having 4 rooms for rent upstairs but the overall structure is very well maintain and is a welcome sight to those coming in off the long roads. The main floor in the inn consists mostly of open area filled with tables and chairs and a well stocked bar located on the side of the room as you enter the tavern. Bar stools have been placed around the bar itself. The inn is clean and very well maintained, you can tell the owners take great pride in this establishment. General gossip is common within these walls "with the many travelers visiting this location all having tales to share".

Prices at the Ravenvale Inn are of the standard rate and the food prepared here is excellent. Choice venison, mutton, poached salmon, trout stuffed with specially prepared mixtures, goose roasted to a golden brown, pork, steaming sausages, steak and kidney pie with mushrooms or truffles, squab stuffed pheasant and boiled crayfish in drawn butter are just a few of the delights which are served here. Most Patrons include wealthy traveling merchants, traveling nobles, and citizens of Ravenvale.

Meals are served on pottery or pewter or copper services according to the customers order. Various leather jacks, pottery mugs, wooden tankards, pewter steins, glass flagons, crystal goblets, or silver chalices are used for the beverages. The locally brewed ale and beer is supplemented by brews from other places, and wine, mead and brandy from all over the region make their way to the boards of the Ravenvale Inn.

Visitors will notice standing behind the bar (during most business hours) - the barkeep, known commonly as lady Nika, a young woman, with shoulder length brown hair and very pleasing to the eyes.

(All full meals served with bread and honey, potatoes, and string beans, yams, rum-boiled artichokes, potatoes, and string beans, yams, rum-boiled artichokes, cabbage, carrots, or spinach)

Peppered Bread: 7sp
Oatmeal: 3sp
Boiled Goose Eggs: 4sp
Chicken Eggs: 2sp
Fruit and Cheese: 3sp
Beef Steak: 12sp
Fried Potato Wedges: 3sp
Pork Sausages: 5sp

Beef Stew: 4sp
Boiled Crayfish: 4cp
Poached Venison with Red Wine Sause: 4sp
Poached Salmon: 4sp
Spiced Sausages: 6sp
Stuffed Pork Chops: 6sp
Stuffed Trout: 6sp
Steak and Kidney Pie: 4sp
Venison Steak: 9sp
Stuffed Pheasant: 5sp
Roast Duck with Apples: 6sp
Roast Goose: 7sp
Cheese rolls with a Filling of Nuts, Honey and Vegetables: 2sp
Smoked Salmon Salad: 3sp
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms: 5cp
Roast Beef with Cranberry Sauce: 5sp

Whiskey: 6cp
Rum: 7cp
Beer: 2cp
Heavy Beer: 3cp
Ale: 4cp
Spiced Ale: 7cp
Mead: 1sp
Local Wine: 8cp
Local Brandy: 5sp

The upper rooms are very clean, and all of the rooms are heated and with the inn only having six rooms, they are easy to maintain and keep comfortable for the guests. Each room has a bed, many covers & blankets, a wash stand, chamber pot, towel, pegs for garments, and several chairs and stools.

Standard Suite: 15sp

Monday, July 10, 2023

Mayors Office
The Cataclysm & The War of the Lance
The current year for our homebrewed Dragonlance campaign is set during 381AC.
Inspired By Trampas Whiteman

This small building is the mayors office in Ravenvale, the center of government in Ravenvale which is where one might find mayor Tallos Witherspoon during the day time hours when he is not out and about the settlement. This location is also the public meeting place for any important meeting that requires the mayors attention. The mayors office is located in the center of Ravenvale.

The structure is a small single story building made of good quality stone and wood. The roof is made of wood with a bell tower rising from the back of the building. A noticeboard near the front door displays bulletins and information for residents and newcomers to Ravenvale, some are even jobs offering rewards for certain tasks.

The office is used for multiple purposes but is mainly used for meetings and such with a sturdy oak table with chairs seated around it. A large hearth warms the entire office during the colder months of the year. The mayor will meet here monthly with most of the prominent business owners in Ravenvale to discuss matters of importance. A large designer rug lay across most of the center of the room with well-made furniture and such spread across the room.

All rewards for completed jobs are paid out of the mayors office by the mayor himself. Outsiders will never gain access to the office without first getting permission. The second floor is mainly used as the lord mayors home. A small hearth is in the back of the room which is independent from the one downstairs. The upstairs room is a simple room, with only the basic necessities. Tallos Witherspoon spends very little time here except for getting sleep.